Resolution of the Board of Directors of GTA LINUX USERS GROUP ORGANIZATION
A. GTA Toronto Linux Users Group Organization ("GTALUG") is incorporated under the Ontario Corporations Act for the purposes of:
- Promoting interest in, and the use of, Linux and related technologies and solutions;
- Fostering Linux centric educational activities;
- Organizing and sponsoring special events for Linux users;
- Increasing public awareness of Linux and related technologies;
- Providing various fora for the exchange of information and ideas relating to Linux and related technologies;
- Initiating and developing Linux technology solutions to social and technological problems within The Municipality of Toronto and the immediately surrounding areas.
In furtherance to the provisions contained in By-Law #1 in regard to Members, it is agreed as follows:
The Corporation may establish membership classes consisting of:
- Full Member, any person who has registered with GTALUG and who possesses a GTALUG membership card.
- Student Member, a person who has the same rights and privileges as a Full Member with reduced dues.
- Corporate Sponsorship Member, any business or corporation supplying assistance to GTALUG will automatically receive a Corporate Sponsorship Membership Card. This is non-voting membership.
- Associate Member, any person who regularly attends GTALUG events, but who has not registered with GTALUG and does not possess a membership card. This is a non-voting membership.
- Honorary Member, a membership presented, through a vote by the Board of Directors, to individuals or corporations who are not members of the Corporation, and have contributed substantial assistance to the Corporation. This is a non-voting membership.
- Lifetime Member, a perpetual membership presented to any voting class member, through a vote by the Board of Directors, as recognition for substantial contributions to the Corporation. This membership has all the rights and privileges of a Full Member.
Furthermore the Board of Directors can, from time to time, approve the addition of any other classes of membership deemed necessary. In addition, all members and classes of members shall be bound by and governed by By-law #1.
The period of membership for all membership classes other than Lifetime or Honorary Memberships is twelve (12) months, commencing from the date of the acceptance of a member's application, or renewal of membership. All classes of membership are non transferable.
Each member in good standing shall pay, within the time and on the conditions set by the Board of Directors, the initiation fee and annual dues in amounts to be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors. The Board may, at its discretion, establish different dues and fees for different categories of membership, within each class.
The Corporation shall notify the members of the dues or fees at any time payable by them and, if any are not paid within 30 days of the date of such notice, the members in default shall hereupon automatically cease to be members of the Corporation; but, any such members may on payment of all unpaid dues or fees be reinstated by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.
Termination of Membership
Following the determination that a member should be expelled in accordance with By-Law # 1, the following procedure shall be effected:
- A notice shall be sent by mail (first class or registered) to the most recent address of the member as shown on the Corporation's records, setting forth the expulsion and the reasons therefore; such notice being sent at least 15 days before the proposed effective date of the expulsion;
- The member being expelled shall be given an opportunity to be heard orally, in writing, or by electronic mail, at a hearing to be held not fewer than 5 days before the effective date of the proposed expulsion.
- The hearing will be held by a special Member Expulsion Committee composed of no fewer than three directors appointed by the president.
- Notice to the member, of the member's expulsion, shall state the date, time and place of the hearing on his or her proposed expulsion.
- Following the hearing, the expulsion committee shall decide whether or not the member should in fact be expelled, suspended, or sanctioned in some other way.
- The decision of the expulsion committee shall be final.
Any person expelled from the Corporation shall receive a refund of dues or assessments already paid, the refund being prorated to return only the unused balance remaining for the period of the dues payment.